One of the main advantages of buying a new RV is getting warranty protection. A warranty generally helps pay for any malfunction that occurs as a result of manufacturer error. However, exactly what the warranty does and doesn’t cover can vary a lot from manufacturer to manufacturer. For more information about getting warranty protection for your new RV, check out this guide from RV Land.

Do You Need an RV Warranty?

Depending on the type of RV and how long the coverage lasts, a warranty can cost between $1,000 to $10,000. Buying an RV can be expensive, and many RV owners choose to forgo this extra cost. The question of whether you need a warranty or not is tricky. Ideally, you won’t need the extra protection afforded by the warranty in the first place, but it’s good to have it if something goes wrong. Review what kind of coverage the warranty offers, and decide if that level of protection is worth the cost. 

Types of Warranties

New RV warranties come in a few different forms. RV manufacturers often offer exclusionary warranties, which cover everything that the RV’s manufacturer produced and last about a year. Manufacturers also sometimes offer component warranties, which cover specific parts of your RV and can last a bit longer than exclusionary warranties. Third-parties sometimes offer warranty protection as well. The advantage of going to a third party is being able to extend the warranty coverage, as well as negotiate which components are covered. 

Read the Fine Print

It’s very important to understand what is and isn’t covered under warranty before you purchase it. For example, exclusionary warranties cover everything produced by the manufacturer, but since built-in appliances are usually made by other companies, they do not fall under warranty protection. 

It’s also important to know that not all warranties will give you money right away. Sometimes, you’ll get the money a few months later, so you’ll be expected to cover the charge and get reimbursed, rather than the warranty directly paying for the repair.

Shop new RVs at RV Land in Kyle, Texas. We also offer service, parts, mobile on-call service, and RV storage. We’re proud to serve communities like San Antonio and Austin, Texas, and we hope to see you soon!